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Pupil Records 1968 - 1989 Classes in September 1971

The table below lists items relating to the above theme and era. If there is an enlarged image available for the item, it can be viewed by clicking on the picture.

Title of item

Class No



Class 3B

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Kay McBurney, Christine Wate, Lucy Grimes, Jean Clark, Susan Pride, Elizabeth Walters, Margaret Scott, Jean Mitchell, Suzanne Sims

Middle Row:
Carol Duncan, Catherine McIver, Anne Cunningham, Jo Malcolm, Gwyneth Stephens, Kathleen Atkinson, Janet McGregor, Sandra Cura

Front Row:
Carolyn Paterson, Rosalyn Little, Jenny Evans, Joan Atkinson, Carol Campbell, Lynne Forbes, Wendy Irons

3rd Year Class

Sep 1971

Back Row:
Nicholas Upton, John Lucas, Robin Lumsden, Richard Evans, Stephen Slebarski, Bryan Milne, Paul Warburton, George Walker

Second Row:
John Dempster, Peter Braid, Nigel Smith, Sandy Sanderson, Jimmy Lumsden, Lennox Harrower, Peter Keracher, Niall Angus

Front Row:
Katherine Brown, Karyne R Edward, Jan Sharp, Sandra Wayland, Valerie Gribben, Hilary Scott, Fiona Ferguson, Belinda Dick

Class 3X

Sep 1971 Back Row:
A. Lister, G. Baxter, M. Jackson, G. Hughes, M. Gillespie, E. Milne, D. Grant

Middle Row:
R. Scofield, J. Sturrock, H. Barlow, M. Poller, I. Matthew, J. A. Macleod

Front Row:
R. Wilson, M. Peddi, C. Darbyshire, S. Gordon, S. Bulphitt, D. Fenton, J. Wilson

Peter Irvine, Susan Killean

Class 4Y

Sep 1971

Back Row:
Myles Pratt, Keith Jackson, Patrick Carstairs, Stephen Mitchell, Ronald Porter, Sandy Milne, Andrew Lumsden, Andrew Anderson

Third Row:
Morag Lawson, Margo Reekie, Wendy Warburton, Yvonne Majchronski, Louise Lawson, Therese Gouding, Nicola Stone, Mandy Lumsden

Second Row:
Angela Lamb, Katherine McConnell, Rosemary Allan, Joyce Grieve, Sheenah Cochrane, Sheenah Sommerville, Lorna Melville, Elizabeth Hunter

Front Row:
Marc Lacome, David Redman, Paul Newing, David Atkinson, Michael Paterson, Alistair Smith

4th Year Class



Sep 1971 Back Row:
John Holmes, Duncan Rae, Graham Thomson, Greig Lorimer, Robin Gibb, John Hind, Andrew Steele, Andrew Wayland, Andrew Moffat

2nd Back Row:
Michael Smith, Gillian Johnston, Jacqueline Kujawski, Karen Greenslade, Lesley Allan, Katrina Freeman, Patricia Snow, Derek Simpson

2nd Front Row:
Sheena Lessels, Elinor Coutts, Jean McDermott, Pat Fitton, Isabel Barlow, Eleanor Maclean, Anne Thomson, Anne Murray

Front Row:
George Mitchell, Ian Burness, Graeme Reid, Roderick Di Cicco, Robert Martin, Angus McRae

Absent: Jane Wilson

4th Year

  Sep 1971 Back Row:
Nik Bolton, John Herriot, Ian Johnson, Douglas Dick, Grahame Myles, Bill Findlay, David Hamilton

Middle Row:
Robert Adam, Willie Allan, Tony Roberts, Ian Little, Bruce MacDonald, Peem Allison

Front Row:
?, Moira Duncan(?), ?, Marina Keddy (?), Anne Inglis, Marie Moffat, Alison McLeod, Mary Picken

4th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Peter McDowall, Murray Coutts, Richard Walton,  John Gourlay, Graeme Rodger,
David Laing, Niall Cox

Middle Row:
Carole Watson, Claire Beaton, Jane Lees, Julie Ingram, Sarah Monteath, Nanda Mayo, Jackie Kay

Front Row:
Rogmold Spence, Chas Robson, Ken Sweeney


Sep 1971 Back Row:
W. Methven, C. Wyatt, M. Livingstone, E. Majchrowski, A. Niven, W. McTavish, W. Grant

Middle Row:
T. Donaldson, R. Taylor, A. Lumsden, D. Robertson, P. Jack, R. Williamson

Front Row:
G. Gillespie, L. Cunningham, C. Rowe, M. Mason, J. Dempster, M. Wills, C. Spence

Class 5N

Sep 1971 Back Row:
David Shepherd, Peter King, David Finlay, Simon Fraser, Eoin Cox, Robert Robertson, Stephen Scanlain

Middle Row:
Donald Rennie, Victoria Glover, Lorraine Lawson, Elizabeth Lucas, Wilma Henry, Barbara Forbes, Edwin Lee

Front Row:
Lesley Forbes, Debra Anderson, Barbara Killean, Janice Low, Catrina Mackenzie, Margaret Davidson, Ann McLugash

Class 5X

Sep 1971 Back Row:
D. Kirk, L. Smart, J.Wilson, N. Campbell, J. Leslie, D. Halliday, I. Ross

Middle Row:
G. Wannan, L. Paul, L. McQueen, R. Stewart, E. Little, A. McGonigle, S. Methven

Front Row:
S. Paul, S. Foster, J. Callis, S. McCabe, M. Barman, E. Melville, K. Malcolm

Class 5T

Sep 1971 Back Row:
David Winstanley, James Falconer, Sandy Milne, Ronald Miller, Hamish Dawson, David Brown, Gordon Cruikshank, Robert Sanders

Middle Row:
Alan Cook, Geoffrey Stephens, Anita Bryan, Sheils Nysocka, Beverly Baxter, Jimmy McKane, Murray Player

Front Row:
Rosalind Pagan, Patricia Maloney, Penny Carter, Suan Brown, Anne Erskine, Kathleen Sullivan, Moyra Langlands

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Steven Malcolm, Brian Prytz, Ian MacDonald

Front Row:
Pauline Smith, Sandra Simpson, Liz Baird

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Anne Powrie, Marla Senior, Molly Wilson, Susan Maitland, Moira Lahoar, Gail Hogg  

Front Row:
Dorothy Grant, Margaret Duncan, Ellen Johnson

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Kathleen Evans, Keith Auchterlonie, Susan Goddard, David McKirdy

Front Row:
Ann Blyth, Alison Gray, Shirley Risk

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Maureen Myles, Maura Maloney, Marjorie Spence, Frances Cowe, Mary Thompson, Judith Walton, Heather Lumsden, Christine Strachan

Front Row:
Alison Tulleth, Vicki Clark, Michael Grant, Avril Ireland, Evelyn Kay

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Mary Robertson, Patricia Caithness, Elaine Stuart, Angela Hume, Margaret Barr

Front Row:
Sandra Pagan, Douglas Reilly, Mike Christie, Maureen Kelly

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Neil McColl, Adrian Cook, John Picken, James Letham, Angus MacLeod, Rob Angus

Front Row:
Eleanor Milne, Lynn Baird, Erika Tait

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
Ann Finlay, Belle McNeilly, Lily Hutton, Rosalyn Rowell, Anne Walker

Front Row:
Katy Hunter, Dave Brennan, Clive McLaren, Anne Duncan

6th Year Class

Sep 1971 Back Row:
John Martin, Colin Fisher, Ronald Taylor

Front Row:
Katherine Mayo, Ronan Paterson, Susie Lacome


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