The Madras College Archive |
Staff Records 1990 to current The table below lists items relating to the above theme and era. If there is an enlarged image available for the item, it can be viewed by clicking on the picture. |
Title of item |
Class No |
Date |
Description |
Retiral Dinner & Dance | 2 650 | 25 June 1990 |
Retiral Dinner & Dance Depute Rector 1974 - 1990 |
Four Principal Teachers of Mathematics
1990 | Ken Nisbet (PT 2006 - 2009), Robin Waterston (PT 1981 - 2006), Tom Paterson (PT 1972 - 1981), Lindsay Hodge (PT 1962 - 1972) |
Memorial Service for John Thompson | 2 5451 | 1993 | |
Tribute to Dr Thompson | 1993 | Tribute from Ian Gilroy at the funeral of Dr
John Thompson who was Rector of Madras College from 1955 to 1975. He died 20 November 1993. |
Staff Photograph
Photo: Peter Adamson |
9-979 |
August 1993 |
Back Row 7: Tim Grove, Ian Campbell, Willie Beck, Alistair MacCrimmon, Hugh Watson, Ian Kennedy, Dave Pearce, John Urquhart, Robin Waterston, Andrew Lindsay, Billy MacMillan, Alan McGeoch, Donald MacGregor, Arlen Pardoe, Jimmy Wito Row 6: Stuart Miller, Alan Watson, Slav Baldwin, Dave Clelland, Robert Harkins, Harvey Munn, Magnus Latona, Neil Ronaldson, Sandy Farmer, Geoff Pearson, Mike Wills, John Maclaughlan, Ken Welsh, Mike Barilie, Terry Trewartha, Peter Gray, Christine McDonaugh Row 5: Anna Baughan, Diane Cunningham, Gillian MacFarlane, Margaret Latto, Anne Nicholson, Viv Faichney, Shirley Rogers, Martine Nothias, Alice Little, Isobel Bletcher, Colin Mackay, Anne Bridges, Jean Robertson, Anne Young, Anne-Marie Holmes, Alma Smith, Jocelyn Scott, Margaret Sommerville, Janice Nisbet, Evelyn Abbott, Sue Unsworth Row 4: Paul Hunt, Wilma Jones, Elizabeth Irwin, Alison Macfie, Liz Kinnear, Elspeth Wallace, Sandra Thomson, Marion Fraser, Debbie Kelly, Eleanor Kirk, Joy Broom, May Halkett, Viv Rough, Dorothy Lamb, Dawn Redman, Debbie Grierson, Alison Shields, Ken Nisbet Row 3: Grace Wright, Alison Rutherford, Isabel Copeland, Rae Hannah, Angela Duncan, Ian Douglas, Ross Napier, Douglas Watson, Jim Tarvet, David Dobson, Mike Barclay, John Linton, Judith Harding, Anne Stephens, Maureen Kyle, Doreen Presley, Joan Dobie Row 2: Sandy Smart, Barbara Halliday, Margaret Dixon, Trish Alexander, Anne Tait, Moira Welsh, Bill Kay, Tom Casey, David Mole, Nancy Edie, Gail Gellatly, Alison Masson, Lyn Brown, Jean Scott, Helen Herd, Dave Wemyss Front Row 1: Carol Orr, Vera Boag, Madge Denwette, Mabeth Douglas, Margaret Gourley, Andy Herd, Donald Halliday, Lyn Brown, David Galloway, Claire Easingwood, Jim Bennett, John Gilbert, Lyn Caldwell, Hilary Mason, Jennifer Watt, Betty Milne, Dorothy Orem |
Computing & Maths teachers
1995 |
Front Row:
Back Row:
Photo taken by a visiting Canadian official. |
4-1238 | 1995 | D Galloway (Rector) L. A. Brown (Depute Rector)
Tributes to D D Galloway | 21 March 1997 | On the occasion of his retiral supper as Rector of Madras College. | |
Retiral Supper for David D. Galloway | 21 March 1997 | On the occasion of his retiral supper as Rector of Madras College. | |
Mathematics Department | 1997 | Back Row: Peter Gray, Mike Barilie, Ken Nisbet, Stuart Miller
Middle Row: Front Row: |
In memory of Elizabeth Kinnear | 1998 | Gala memorial evening in memory of Elizabeth Kinnear. Elizabeth had been a music teacher at Madras College. |
Staff Photograph
Photo: Peter Adamson |
August 1998 |
Back Row: D Young, D Mole, J Tarvet, J
McLaughlan, H Munn, H Watson, F Boyle, D Macgregor, D Pearce, K Maskell, R
Moore, A Pardoe, W Beck, R Harkins, J Love Sixth Row: K Welsh, R Napier, C Jessop, R J Waterson, I Kennedy, A Lindsay, A Farmer, N Ronaldson, T Trewartha, D Watson, A MacCrimmon, A McGeoch, B Blacklaw, G Dundee, W Kilgour, J Linton, M Glancy, J Wito, M Kyle, C Walker, G MacFarlane, J Scott, J Smith, J Urquhart Fifth Row: V Faichney, M Welsh, M Barclay, A Tait, P Alexander, P Esler, J Aitken, R Dewar, L Hutchison, E Wallace, L Watson, K MacKenzie, L Caldwell, W Graves, J Soares, J Dunlop, M Scott, A Dickie, F Jackson, K Nisbet, M Nisbet, J Chaplin, A Baughan, M Nothias, W McMillan Fourth Row: S Thomson, V Rough, F Morrison, E Williams, D Dobson, S Miller, G Findlay, J Nisbet, E Higgins, D Cleland, W Kay, G Pearson, I Bletcher, A Stephens, S Lowe, C Cameron Third Row: T Grove, A Little, F Towns, J Robertson, M Gourlay, J Harding, E Austin, D Orem, S McKay, A Rutherford, J Robinson, A Nicholson, M Russell, D Houston, W Steven, A Duncan, I Copeland, E Buckler, M McGowan, C Dickson, M Fraser, P Robertson, D Malcolm Second Row: A McGregor, J Broom, K Munro, C Harvey, A Marks, M Latto, A Shields, G Wright, J Martin, M Denwette, H Mason, D Lamb, B Halliday, W Grant, E Carstairs, H Herd, M Towler, J Grant, N Edie, A Fildes Front Row: I Matheson, R Gray, M Barile, C Marshall, C Mackay, D Halliday, A Adamson, J Bennett, L A Brown, L S G Matheson, C Easingwood, A Herd, J Gilbert, C Noble, M Ingledew, M Brown, H McCormac, M Wilson, P Gray |
Staff Helpers, S1 party 1999 | 1999 | Back Row: Hugh Watson, Lyn Brown, John Urquhart, Fiona Towns, ?, Ian Kennedy, Elspeth Wallace Front Row: Front: |
S6 Ball
c.1999 | Back Row: Stephen Forbes, Jim Bennet, Christine Noble, Ann McGrory, Colin Mackay, Carole Cameron, Catherine Shanks
Front Row: |
Staff Retiral Photo: Arlen Pardoe |
June 2002 | Donald Halliday, Marion Fraser, The Rector, Andrew O Lindsay | |
Office Staff
Photo: Arlen Pardoe |
June 2002 | Back Row: Elizabeth Austin, Jacqui Ritchie, Val Herkes, Catherine Shanks
Front Row: |
Maths Class
2002 | Teacher: Ken Nisbet | |
Staff Photograph
Photo: Peter Adamson |
4-1598 |
August 2002 |
Back Row: Jack Lyden, Alan McGeoch,
Dave Pearce, Billy MacMillan, Sandy Farmer, Colin Irving, Graeme Murray,
Willie Beck, Stephen McArthur, Robin Waterston, Alistair MacCrimmon, Harvey
Munn, Derek Young, Bob Simpson, Ian Kennedy, John McLaughlan, Jim Bell, Jim
Tarvet, Andrew Fyall, Andrew Gray, Arlen Pardoe, Hugh Watson. 2nd Back Row: Barbara Halliday, Jean Robertson, Rob Walker, Cairns Dickson, Alison Matheson, Emma Payne, Lesley Maix, Martine MacMillan, Jayne Ashley, Karen Lowing, Geoff Pearson, Calum Marshall, Gerry Austin, Isobel Bletcher, Eric Box, David Cleland, Pam Robertson, Wilma Steven, Shona Gibson, Evelyn Williams, Wilma Grant, Anne Stewart, Dorothy Orem. 3rd Row from Back: Margaret Ingledew, Avril McNeill, Audrey Grieve, Keith Maskell, Robin Dewar, Gerry Lappin, Mary Jack, Iris Ellwood, Alyson McGregor, Anne Rutherford, Colin Chapman, Chasser Jessop, Julie Khovaks, Marlene Smith, Judith Harding, Sandra McKay, Kate Watkins, Jason Hynes, Bob Harkins, Jacqueline Forrest, Janice Paterson, Catriona Harvey 4th Row From Back: Joanne Soares, Marjorie Towler, Maggie Neilson, Ken Nisbet, Fiona Lindsay, Mary Smith, Isabel Copland, Eddie Burrows, Fiona Paterson, Bill Kilgour, Janice Nisbet, Olaf Darge, Peter Tomb, Mike Barile, Mike Barclay, Ross Napier, Sandra Lowe, Heather McCormac, Jane Wingfield, Sandra Thomson, Margaret Latto, Douglas Watson, Anne Stephens 3rd Front Row: Lesley Dewar, Angela Ogg, Grace Wright, Mary Milne, Anna Baughan, Maureen Nisbet, Leah Hutchison, Peter Gray, Robin Bell, Rachel Smith, Neil Ronaldson, Brian Blacklaw, Terry Trewartha, Margaret Gourley, Cath Richardson, Margaret Nicol, Maureen Kyle, Leigh Watson, Elspeth Wallace, Madge Denwette, Marion Glancy, Vivette Montgomery, Susan Mulligan 2nd Front Row: Carole Carlin, Jim Martin, Robert Anderson, Joy Broom, Trish Esler, Ann Fildes, Val Weir, Donna Cuthbert, Linda Murray, Anne McGrory, Christine Noble, Carole Cameron, Catherine Shanks, Jody Lister, Sarah Barclay, Morag Wilson, Val Herkes, Elizabeth Austin, Dawn Ednie, Nancy Eadie, Ilene Blyth, Keith McKenzie, Bill Kay, Ann Nicolson
Half Row: Gillian Macrosson, Trish Alexander, Gillian Macfarlane, John
Clark, Magnus Latona, John Airlie, Paul Gibbins, Joan Dobie, Moira Welsh, Michelle
Russell |
Mathematics department
2002 to 2003 |
Back Row:
Middle Row:
Front Row:
Staff Football Team
2004 | ||
Retiring Staff 2007
Summer 2007 |
Mary Jack, Grace Wright, Alan McGeoch, Jean Robertson |
Staff Photograph |
August 2008 |
Back Row: J Hynes, M Latona, A Fyall, A
Lawrenson, P Dagless, D Paton, W MacMillan, H Munn, S Farmer, J Tarvet, C
Irving, D Grewar, G Murray, M Williams, E Scott, A Smallwood, O Darge, Neil
Jardine, C Trewartha, J Love, J Lyden, B Fox, G Waterston, D Crone, K
Maskell, D Walker, H Watson 2nd Row: P Ross, S Edwards, S Kerrigan, R Dewar, R Napier, B Kilgour, K Duncan, N Ronaldson, C Clark, B Kay, E Box, T Inglis, B Blacklaw, A Gourlay, J Smith, J McLaughlan, R Hepburn, J Clark, S Forbes, P Tomb, J Bell, T Trewartha, K Nisbet, P Gibbins, P Jones, J Callaghan 3rd Row: R Bell, V Faichney, G Macrosson, E Menelaws, W Steven, V Rough, J Mitchell, R McGrath, P Esler, A Griffiths, V Birmingham, F Paterson, P Brothers, I Bletcher, J Nisbet, M McGowan, E Payne, C Weston, A Massie, M Glancy, A Matheson, A Little, M Kyle, M Murphy, M Latto, J Dobie, A Stephens 4th Row: L McCartney, D Orem, H Reed, L Leith, A Nicholson, J King, E Laing, E Smart, P Robertson, L Maix, M Wilson, C Richardson, J Ritchie, J Scott, F Lindsay, E Wallace, D Montador, S Thomson, S Lowe, L Harvie, L Higgins, R Robertson, K Watson, A Montador, J Soares, M MacMillan, B Halliday, A Gillespie 5th Row: J Cura, E Methven, N Smith, I Copland, A Grieve, H Nisbet, L Seeley, M Nisbet, C Carlin, M Ingledew, M Smith, E Carstairs, I Ellwood, E Austin, D Comber, Julia Matthews, Isobel Anderson, K Thomas, A Stewart, D Houston, D Drylie, W Grant, L Brown, A McKimmie, J Graham, S McKay, V Weir, J MacGregor 6th Row: G McAdam, A Burns, C Forrest, V Herkes, L Murray, C Cameron, S Barclay, A Fildes, C Harvey, C MacKay, J Urquhart, A Adamson, I Jones, A Herd, J Gilbert, J Bennett, A McNish, M Nicol, M Burton, L McCafferty, K Pitman, N Eadie, H Hamilton, C Normand, M Nicholson, J Black, J Paterson |
In memory of Sam Wingfield | 2010 | Thanksgiving service in Cellardyke Church. Sam Wingfield had been a janitor at Madras College.
Four Rectors
Photo Peter Adamson |
May 2010 | Ian Gilroy, David Galloway, Lindsay Matheson, Ian Jones | |
Staff Basketball
2011 | From front left, clockwise Barry Millar, Kenny Wishart, Harvey Munn, Adam Smallwood, Colin Mackay, Robin Dewar, Lisa Grubb, Donald Grewar, Lynsey Seeley, Mindy Grewar |
In memory of Ian Gilroy | 2011 | Memorial service in St Andrews church, St
Andrews. Ian Gilroy had been Rector of Madras College. |
The last two PTs of Classics
July 2012 | The last two Principal teachers of
Classics before restructuring of promoted posts. Kate Watkins & David Cleland |
In memory of Sandy Smart | 2012 | Service at Dundee Crematorium and
after at Westpark Centre. Sandy was a Technical Teacher at Madras. |
In memory of Alan Sproson | 2014 | Thanksgiving at Hope Park Church, St
Andrews. Alan had taught Technical subjects at Madras College. |
Office Staff
May 2013 | Sixth Year Ball 2013 Mrs Val Weir, Mrs Morag Wilson, Mrs Carole Cameron, Mrs Mary Milne, Mrs Carol Harrower, Mrs Rona Robertson, Mrs Shelagh Docherty |
PE Staff![]() Photo: Emma Payne |
2016 | Sports Day at Station Park
Back Row: Front Row: |
Three Rectors
c.2017 | Three Rectors of Madras College: Mr D D Galloway (1985 - 1997) Mr L S G Matheson (1997 - 2007) Mr D McClure (2013 - 2020)
In memory of Lindsay Matheson | 2019 | A Service of Thanksgiving & Celebration of the life of Lindsay Sinclair Gunn Matheson, Rector of Madras College. | |
Computing Department Staff
2020 | Julie McLaren, Keith Maskell, Janice Paterson, Magnus Latona, Edith Mason | |
In memory of David Galloway | 2021 | A Celebration for the life of David Douglas Galloway, Rector of Madras College. |