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Academic Records 1947 - 1967

The table below lists items relating to the above theme and era. If there is an enlarged image available for the item, it can be viewed by clicking on the picture. 

Title of item

Class No



Embroidery Stitches


Descriptions of Embroidery stitches by Helena Slobarski, Class IIAII

Exercise book of Formulas


Handwritten lists of Formulas in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics by Edmund Robertson when in S6.
(later Professor of Mathematics in St Andrews University)

A year in the Solomon Islands


A record of a year with VSO on the Solomon Islands by Gus Langlands

"Top of the Form" team

Photo G M Cowie, St Andrews

4-676 September 1962

Mr John Ellison, Dr John Thompson

Roderick Sinclair, Johnathan Borwein, Ian Leslie, Robert Caldwell

Michael Sholochov presenting prizes

Photo: G M Cowie, St Andrews

4-677 1962


Barclay Wilson, Roderick Sinclair, Christine Fraser, Michael Sholochov

(Mikhail Sholokhov won the Nobel Prize in Literature 1965)



Burgh School Progress Card


Burgh School Progress Card for Dennis Martin.

JHS Prizewinners


George Paterson, William Brown, Derek Horn, Catherine Spence, Evelyn Gordon, John Picken, Margaret Addison, Alan Manson, Russell Sommerville, Laura Napier, Michael Christie, Ronald Taylor, Graeme Seeley, Andrew Murphy, Andrew Findlay, Gail Robertson, George Donaldson, Douglas Lawrie, Jill Barnett, Jeanette Nicholson, Keith Davis, Anne Davidson, Alan Reekie, Ann Coggle, James Falls, Janet McQueen, David Findlay, Betty Brace, Susan Shepherd, Philip Winstanley, Melville Brown, Mairi Finlayson, Gavin Waddell, Marion Collier, John Sweeney, Angus McIntosh, Christopher Clelland, James Wilson, Glen McCulloch, Roy Wann, Edward Allan, John Gibb, Lilian Thomson, Stephen Chisholm, Frances Allan, Michael Laws, Tommy Robertson, Ann Hamilton, Lennox Fenton, Graham Jack, Mary Murray, Roseanne Nyez, William Creevy, Catherine Laing, Robin Brodie, William Deas, Michael Shine, Ann Leadbetter, David Rowe, Patricia Britton, Robert Ayton, Dorothy Burnett, Ione Gilmnour, Patricia Dickson, Neil Paton, Heather Davidson, Michael Lumsden, Helen Connah, Dennis Martin, Anne White, David Millar, Catherine Robertson


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