Former Pupil Biographies
Dr William Poole ( - current)
Will Poole attended Madras College between 1989 to 1995, one of four
siblings at the school. He started University in Oxford at New College
and Linacre College between 1995 and 2000, gaining the degrees of BA,
MA, MSt and DPhil. Between 2000 and 2004 he was a Research Fellow at
Downing College Cambridge before returning to New College, Oxford as
John Gainsworthy Fellow in English. He is also a Senior Tutor and Fellow
Librarian. |
His research interests include:
Literary history
Intellectual history
History of science
Bibliography and palaeography
History of libraries and collections
So far he has published around a hundred articles or
chapters for learned collections or journals; he is co-editor of the
Bibliographical Society's quarterly Journal 'The Library'.
Books include:
John Milton, Manuscript
Writings (2018) |
John Fells New Year Books,
16661686 (2018) |
John Wilkins 16141672: New
Essay (2017) |
Milton and the Making of
Paradise Lost (2017) |
The Letters of Shen Fuzong
to Thomas Hyde, 1687-88 (2015) |
Wadham College Books in the
Age of John Wilkins 16141672 (2014) |
John Milton, Areopagitica
and Other Writings. (2014) |
John Aubrey and the
Advancement of Learning (2010) |
The World-Makers:
Scientists of the Restoration and the Search for the
Origins of the Earth (2010) |
Francis Lodwick, Writings
on Language, Theology, and Utopia, ed. Henderson and
Poole (2010) |
Milton and the Idea of the
Fall (2005) |
Francis Godwin, The Man in
the Moone 1638 (2009) |