Former Pupil Biographies
Learmonth White Dalrymple
(1827 - 1906)
Learmonth was born to William Dalrymple and his wife,
Janet (Jessie) Taylor, and was baptised at Coupar Angus, Angus,
Scotland, on 21 July 1827. Her name at baptism was Larmonth Whyte
Dalrymple. William Dalrymple was a prosperous merchant in ironmongery
and agricultural products. Although his daughter would later complain
of the inadequacy of her schooling, especially in mathematics, and
express her hopeless yearning for 'mental culture', her education was
not neglected. She attended Madras College in St Andrews, and later
travelled in Europe, where she learned to speak fluent French.
However, Learmonth Dalrymple was not entirely free to pursue her
inclination for study. Her mother died in 1840 and as the eldest of
eight surviving children she took over the considerable task of caring
for the family. |
In 1853 she set out with her father, two sisters and a brother for New
Zealand. The family spent two months at Dunedin while their storm
damaged vessel, Rajah, was under repair, and then travelled on to
their destination, Wellington. However, they decided to return to
Otago and by 1857 they had settled on a farm at Kaihiku, South Otago,
where Learmonth Dalrymple kept house for the family and helped
establish the first Sunday school in the district. When the Otago Boys' High School opened in 1863, a
leader in the Otago Daily Times , probably by Julius Vogel, urged a
'companion institution' for girls. This set Learmonth Dalrymple on a
seven-year-long campaign, waged with discreet persistence, for girls'
secondary education in Otago. She first appealed to her neighbour and
friend, Major J. L. C. Richardson, speaker of the provincial council,
initiating a fruitful collaboration in the cause of female education.
Richardson advised her to 'go into town and get up a Ladies' memorial to
the Council'. Meanwhile he himself moved a resolution there urging the
submission of a scheme for girls' education to the next session. This
resolution was unanimously affirmed. The 'Ladies' memorial' was less
successful. It pointed out how 'inadequate and inefficient' were the
existing facilities for girls' education and proposed setting up a school
especially for 'the middle and wealthier classes of the colony'. Although
moderately worded, its reception was mixed and the council took no action
on it. This first phase of the agitation culminated in a public meeting of
about 30 women in November 1865. It opened with due decorum, but a series
of interruptions, from press reporters, a breathless woman with news of a
buggy accident, and a German band outside the windows, turned it into pure
farce and caused its abandonment.
The campaign revived before the end of the decade, largely owing to the
quiet perseverance of Learmonth Dalrymple, now living nearer to Dunedin,
at Port Chalmers. As well as fostering an informal group of Dunedin women
supporters, she wrote some 700 or 800 letters to British educationalists
and local politicians. In 1868, at her instigation, Provincial Treasurer
Julius Vogel tried unsuccessfully to put £1,000 on the estimates, for a
girls' school. She then looked higher, winning over Superintendent James
Macandrew, who called for proposals from the education board, and in 1869
set up an education commission chaired by the Reverend D. M. Stuart and
including nine provincial council members.
Learmonth Dalrymple promptly formed a ladies' committee, and as its
secretary she wrote to the commission specifying what kind of school was
desirable. Her ideas were based on advice from Frances Buss, famous
principal of North London Collegiate School for Girls. She recommended
that girls' education should 'in all essential points be assimilated to
that of boys'. The proposed school should have adequate buildings, be in
the charge of 'a lady, un-married, or a widow, of attested talents and
acquirements' and 'embrace all the branches included in the term "thorough
English Education," ' as well as physical training. Fees should be £10 per
annum, the school day should open with prayer, and there should be
accommodation for boarders. The commission incorporated these suggestions
in their report to the provincial council. A principal, Margaret Gordon
Burn, was appointed and Otago Girls' High School opened on 6 February 1871
with 78 pupils, the number rising to 130 by the end of the year. The first
public high school for girls in the southern hemisphere was securely
Learmonth Dalrymple then transferred her lobbying skills to an allied
cause, admission of women to the planned University of Otago. Again she
received the support of Richardson, who was chancellor when the university
opened in July 1871. With her helpers she organised yet another petition,
this time to the university council, for 'admittance of ladies'. Many of
the 149 signatories were wives of prominent men and their names lent
weight to the appeal. On 8 August 1871 the council voted unanimously to
admit women, the first university in Australasia to do so.
Besides maintaining her interest in the girls' high school, to which she
donated prizes, and the university, where she founded a women's
scholarship, Learmonth Dalrymple worked for the kindergarten movement,
publishing a pamphlet on the Froebel method of early childhood education.
In 1881 she moved with her father to Feilding, to be near her brother John
Dalrymple. She remained there after her father's death the next year. In
this period her interests centred on the new Women's Christian Temperance
Union and its campaign for women's franchise; she joined the Wellington
branch and was later president of a branch at Feilding. Towards the end of
her life her health and memory began to fail and she returned to Dunedin.
She died at Ashburn Hall, Dunedin, on 26 August 1906, but was buried at
Palmerston North.
A woman of great determination, Learmonth Dalrymple was also a woman of
her time. Her sense of decorum demanded not only that she keep in the
background of Richardson and her male allies, but also that she find a
married woman to preside over any public meeting or committee she
organised. She claimed to disapprove of any education which made women
'clever, restless and unfeminine' and led to the 'wild cry forŠan
impossible equality with man'. Nevertheless she opened the way for New
Zealand women to seek this equality by entering careers hitherto closed to
them. From 1886 a steady stream of women, trained at Otago Girls' High
School, would graduate from the University of Otago. Nor was her influence
confined to Otago. The girls' high school quickly became a model for those
in other centres, and the New Zealand university colleges followed Otago
in admitting women. In time the principle that women should receive
degrees on equal terms with men was accepted. Learmonth Dalrymple's
efforts laid the foundations of higher public education for women in New