HMS Pinafore 1913
Report, photo |
Isle of Light 1914
Invitation, photos |

A Midsummer Nights Dream 1957
Programme, cast |

As You Like It 1958
Programme, cast, photos |

Royal Wedding 1964
Photo, report |

East Lynne 1969
Cast, photos, news report |

Under Milk Wood 1971
Cast, programme,
poster |

Serjeant Musgrave's Dance 1972
Cast, photos |

Oliver 1972
Programme, cast, photo |

Finian's Rainbow 1973
Programme, cast |

A Man for all Seasons 1973
Cast, photos, news report |

Taming of the Shrew 1974
Cast. photos, news report |

Annie Get Your Gun 1975
Programme, cast |

Charlie's Aunt 1975
Photos, cast, poster |

Our Town 1976
Cast |

Summer season 1977
Cover, cast, photos |

A Midsummer Night's Dream 1977
Cover, cast, photos |

HMS Pinafore 1978
Programme, cast, photos, poster |

Caucasian Chalk Circle 1978
Cast, photos |

Quad Theatre opening 1978
photo |

Four Plays 1978
Programme, casts |

Twelfth Night 1979
Cast, photos |

Cabaret 1979
Programme, cast, photos |

Everyman 1980
Venues, cast, photos,
quad theatre design |

Hay Fever 1980
Programme, cast, photos |

Noye's Fludde 1980
Programme |

Woo Her Wed Her 1981
Programme |

Measure for Measure 1981
Programme, cast, photos |

Tom Sawyer 1982
Programme, cast, photos |

Servant of Two Masters 1982
Photos, cast |

The Recruiting Officer 1983
Programme, photos, invitation |

Alice 1984
Programme, cast, photos |

War Games 1984
Programme, report |

The Winters Tale 1985
Programme, cast, photos |

Androcles and the Lion 1986
Programme, cast, art work |

The Good Woman of Setzuan
Programme, cast, photos |

The Comedy of Errors 1988
Cover, cast. photos |

The Royal Pardon 1989
Programme, cast. photos |

As You Like It 1990
Programme, cast, photos |

Oh What a Lovely War 1991
Poster, cast, photos |

The Masque of St Andrews 1991
Programme |

The Lark 1992
Programme, photos, news report |

Much Ado About Nothing 1992
Programme, cast, photos,
news report |

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 1994
Programme, cast |

School for Scandal 1994
Programme, photos, news report |

The Travels of Yoshi and
the Tea Kettle 1995
Programme, cast |

The Merchant of Venice 1995
Programme, cast, photos |

The Rover 1995
Programme, cast, photos,
news report, poster |

Under Milk Wood 1996
Cast |

Romeo and Juliet 2000
Programme, poster |

The Birthday Party 2001
Programme |

Three Sisters 2003
Programme |

As You Like It 2005
Programme |

Macbeth 2005
Programme, photo |

Cabaret 2006
Poster |

The Cherry Orchard 2006
Programme, review |

Farewell My Lovely 2007
Poster |

A Midsummer Night's Dream 2007
Programme, photos, poster |

Twelfth Night 2009
Programme, cast, poster |

Curtain Up 2009
Programme, cast, photos |

Brick Wall 2011
Programme |

The Rivals 2011
Programme. poster |

A Christmas Carol 2011
Programme |

Cuttin' a Rug 2018
Programme, ticket, photo |