This Prize and Scholarship are named for Frederick
Laurence Newnham, known as Fred Newnham. He came to St Andrews for a few
days in October 1982 in order to give Madras College £1000 to set up a
scholarship for music. He wanted it to form part of the 150th anniversary
celebrations which were to take place in the following year. Let us give
some details of Fred Newnham's life.
He was born in Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, on 3 April
1901. His parents were William (born about 1870) and Emma Newnham (born
about 1872). Frederick was born at 3 Elm Cottage, Ryde, the home of his
maternal grandparents William and Harriet Dyer. Frederick had an older
brother William George Newnham, born in Ryde on 25 May 1892. William
George Newnham was educated at Royal Hospital School, Greenwich and joined
the Royal Navy. By 1911, Frederick was ten years old and living in St
Andrews with his parents William and Emma. His older brother was, at this
time, an Able Seaman living in the Royal Naval Barracks, Edinburgh Road,
Portsmouth. |

Frederick Newnham attended Madras College, entering the school in 1913 and
leaving in 1916 when he was 15 years old. He was second in Drawing in
Class I in 1915-16 but, perhaps rather strangely given his stunning
musical career, he appears not to have won any music prizes at Madras. On
the 15 July 1916, Frederick's brother William George died when the
submarine "H3" that he was serving on was mined in the Gulf of Cattaro in
the Adriatic. At this time Frederick and his parents were living at 5
North Street, St Andrews. After leaving school in 1916, Frederick enlisted
and served for the rest of World War I in the Royal Navy. (Since he was
only 15 years old, I assume he must have lied about his age.) From 1922 to
1925 he attended the Royal Academy of Music where he studied organ, piano
and conducting. He was awarded an ARCM, Associate of the Royal College of
Music, in 1928 and a LRCM, Licentiate of the Royal College of Music, in
1929. His parents continued to live in St Andrews, at this time at 105
South Street. In 1928 and 1929 Newnham gave 'Fred Newnham, 105 South
Street, St Andrews' for his address as a member of the Madras College
Club. It appears that '105 South Street' was, before this, the address of
the Conservative Club, and it is close to where Andrew Bell was born. Now
Newnham's parents lived the rest of their lives in St Andrews. His father
William Newnham died in St Andrews in 1936, and his mother Emma Newnham
died in St Andrews in 1969 at the age of 97.
In 1927 Frederick Newnham was appointed head of the voice department and
assistant professor of organ at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia,
Canada. There are many references to performances that he gave during his
time at Acadia. For example in May 1929 there is a report: "On Friday
evening, students of the School of Music of Acadia University gave a
delightful recital in University Hall. Professor F L Newnham of the staff
of the music department assisted in the program with two solos." He
returned to Britain during the summer of 1929. He returned to Canada by
sailing from Liverpool to Halifax, Nova Scotia on 6 September 1929. He
travelled First Class on the ship the Newfoundland. He gave his last
address in the UK as '105 South Street, St Andrews'. In 1930 he changed
his address as a member of the Madras College Club to Wolfville, Nova
Scotia, Canada. He remained at Acadia University until 1933 when he
resigned to take up a position as organist and choirmaster of St Paul's
Church, the oldest Anglican church in Halifax. He was head of the voice
departments at the Halifax Conservatory of Music 1933-4 and the Maritime
Academy of Music 1934-5. He was also appointed to the Halifax Ladies'
College and Conservatory, Halifax in 1934. During a holiday in 1934 he
sang at the Wigmore Hall in London. He was awarded an ARAM, Associate of
the Royal Academy of Music, in 1934. He was music director at the Western
Ontario Conservatory 1935-8. He appeared in 1936 as the Narrator in the
Canadian premiere of Walton's Belshazzar's Feast.
In 1938 Newnham went to the University of Western Ontario as head of the
Department of Music. He then returned to England to sing for the BBC and
in July 1939 was appointed principal baritone and chorus master of the
Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company of London. At this time he lived with
Messrs. Ibbs and Tillet in Wigmore Street, London. In March 1940 he went
to Montreal as organist and choirmaster of the Church of St Andrew and St
Paul. As a singer, Newnham toured England, Scotland, the United States and
Canada. He worked in Winnipeg as an organist-choirmaster and singing
teacher from 1946 to 1950. He was president of the Central Alberta Music
Festival in 1946 and of the Alberta Music Festival in 1948. He served for
23 years, 1950-73, as the head of the voice and organ departments at
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington. He lived in Calgary from
1973 to 1977, and then returned to Tacoma where he died on 11 August 1986.
As a singer, Newnham toured England, Scotland, the United States, and
Canada. He conducted several Canadian choirs, and held other
organist-choirmaster posts at churches in Great Britain, Calgary, and
Tacoma. During the 1960s and 1970s he was chairman of the adjudicating
committee for the northwestern regional auditions of the Metropolitan
Opera. He taught throughout his career and several of his pupils gained
international recognition. In recognition for his distinguished career,
Newnham was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, FRAM, in 1962.
By this stage he had many letters after his name:
Frederick Newnham, ARCM, LRAM, ARAM, FRAM.
Madras College Magazine
for June 1935
Mention has in previous issues been made of Fred. Newnham
who continues to advance in his profession of music in Canada. He is now
head of the Vocal Department of Halifax Conservators of Music and organist
and choirmaster of St. Paul's Anglican Church, the oldest Anglican church
in Canada. He broadcasts every week from Halifax in connection with the
Canadian Radio Commission Network, which takes in the whole country from
the Atlantic to the Pacific. He has taken part in many important concerts
and recitals in America. During the summer of 1934, while spending a
holiday in the old country, he gave a greatly appreciated song recital at Wigmore Hall. London. He has been elected an associate of the Royal
Academy of Music, an honour which is only awarded to former students of
that institution who have distinguished themselves. Mr. Newnham is an
A.R.A.M., an L.R.A.M., and an A.R.C.M.
Madras College Magazine
for June 1936
It will be learned with interest by his former school
companions that Mr. Frederick L. Newnham has been appointed as Director
of the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music. The Western Ontario
Conservatory is affiliated with the University there. Mr. Newnham, who
was educated at the Madras College, has had a distinguished career, and
has gained a wealth of experience although he is yet only in his early
thirties. He is an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, a Licentiate
of the Royal Academy of Music (Silver Medallist); Teachers' Training
Diploma, R.A.M. (Certificate of Merit); Associate of the Royal College of
Music, London. After a successful career in this country, he went to
Canada, and for six years he was head of the vocal department of Acadia
University. The appointment he held prior to his new post was head of the
vocal department of the Maritime Conservatory of Music and the Maritime
Academy of Music, where he went two years ago. Mr. Newnham has a fine
baritone voice. He has given recitals all over Eastern Canada; Town Hall,
York City; Wigmore Hall, London, England. and in many other parts of Great
Britain. He has sung over the coast network of the Canadian Radio
Commission. Mr. Newnham has paid many return visits to St. Andrews and
more than once he has given a recital there.
School Newsletter
for October 1986
We also record with regret the death of one of the school's benefactors,
Professor Frederick Newnham of Tacoma, Washington, USA. A former pupil of
the school, Professor Newnham left his native St Andrews to gain
distinction as a music teacher in the United States. A few years ago he
generously provided funds to establish a Music Scholarship to be awarded
annually to a senior pupil of the school. At the service of interment,
which was held in the Western Cemetery, the school was represented by the
Rector, Mr McGeoch, Miss Kinnear and the three recipients of the
scholarship David McCallum, Bridget King and David Squires, all of whom
happened to be in St Andrews at the time and whose presence was much
appreciated by Professor Newnham's family and friends from the USA.